Yin Yang
Yin and yang is a concept of dualism in ancient Chinese philosophy, representing two opposite principles. Yin is the feminine while Yang is masculine, and this concept is embodied in all things around the world, such as winter and summer, male and female, and light and dark.
Yin Yang takes players back to ancient China during Warring State Period Before common era, at the time China was divided into seven kingdoms, fighting each other constantly, and people were living in suffering. To pursue inner peace, every kind of fortune-telling methods were then developed.
One of those fortune-telling methods is using tortoise shell with copper coins inside and then shake it to have indications. This method is exactly what Yin and Yang based on. Players act as Taoist priest, travel around on the ancient Chinese map to retrieve local specialty of different cities to unlock their own destiny. Additionally, players can also build temples in different cities to earn worships from seven kingdoms.
Yin Yang is a strategic game with abundant and extensive content, players have multiple choice upon the decision. With a novel and creative fortune-telling method and fluent game mechanics, Yin and Yang absolutely can give players brand new experience.