Gladiatores: Blood for Roses (Demo - Spiel erscheint 2019)

2019 (Demo 2018)
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler
60-90 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
Gladiatores: Blood for Roses is a swift-playing card combat and betting game. Wow the crowds with your fighting skill while secretly planning your opponents demise. Variable gladiator abilities makes each game a tactical challenge. Outmaneuver your opponents in blow for blow combat for the prize wreaths, while secretly laying bets on the outcome of each fight!
Players play a Lanista (trainer/owner) of one of five gladiator schools and pit their stable of gladiators one at a time in free-for-all melees in various sponsored events. Gain prizes and favor from the baying crowd, by winning the events all while secretly planning to make extra glory from secret side bets.
The combat cards simulate the close up cut and thrust of in-your-face arena combat; while secret tactics cards, sponsors and your own devious hand management skills might ensure a spectacular win! Be aware however that the other players might be secretly plotting your demise...