Datensatz vom 13.06.2015
Alien Wars
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
10 Minuten
Frei ab 6 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Alien Wars is a fast, card-tossing game in which your goal is to become Master of the Galaxy, and to do this you need to eliminate everyone else from the galaxy. Then you can do whatever you want with the place.
To set up, place the three Nano Minefield cards face down about ten inches apart. Then each player simultaneously places their nine cards face down in the playing area, keeping space between all other cards, while also packing them in as tightly as possible.
On a turn, you choose one card in play and reveal it. If it's...
- A Nano Minefield, flip it face down again.
- A player's card, that player takes the action on the card with the possible actions being:
- Planet: Return one of your eliminated non-planet cards to play.
- Scanner: Look at three face-down cards, then remove the scanner from play.
- Blaster: Shoot once.
- Double Blaster: Shoot twice.
- Retro Blaster: Shoot once; also, if this is card is eliminated, shoot once before removing it from play.
To shoot, you place your pinky on the active card, then toss your shooting disc with your thumb and forefinger. When the disc lands, you can remove one card it touches from play, revealing it and returning it to its owner. If a player has no cards in play, they're out of the game. The final player with cards in play wins!
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