Dr. Hrubec

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler
40 Minuten
Frei ab 13 Jahre
Video: Vorstellung: Dr. Hrubec (CBG) - Original Tonspur - Essen 2013
Vorstellung: Dr. Hrubec (CBG) - Original Tonspur - Essen 2013 from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
"I am Hrubec, Doctor Hrubec. I am not licensed to kill. However, it happens. Sometimes a surgery turns into an autopsy. Alcoholics, mutants, crazy cows. On top of it all, an audit and someone stole my doctor again...
"Our hospital is crazy and life is tough here, so steal the best doctors. Get rid of the worst patients. Crimp the enemies. Remember that you have to cure at least someone if you want to win. It's up to you."
Dr. Hrubec is a fast party card game in which you build a team of mad doctors and try to cure strange patients in a hospital that will soon close. Every doctor on your team is skilled in different specializations, such as surgery, psychiatry, dental and dermatology. Patients have different problems and must be cured with the different specializations. You can aid your team with different action cards or try to disrupt other players. The end of the game comes when the hospital closes.
Video: Vorstellung: Dr. Hrubec (CBG) - Original Tonspur - Essen 2013
Vorstellung: Dr. Hrubec (CBG) - Original Tonspur - Essen 2013 from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Video: Vorstellung: Dr. Hrubec (CBG) - dt. Tonspur - Essen 2013
Vorstellung: Dr. Hrubec (CBG) - dt. Tonspur - Essen 2013 from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Brettspiele News
Vorstellung: Dr. Hrubec (CBG) - deutsch / englische Tonspur - Essen 2013

Der tschechische Verlag "Czech Board Game" (CBG), stellte uns in Essen ein Krankenhaus Parodie Karten und Brettspiel vor. Wieder einmal in einer sehr ungewöhnlichen länglichen Verpackung...