Datensatz vom 27.09.2013
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler
30 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
In Sleepers, you are the leader of a resistance network operating in occupied France during World War II. Your primary mission is recruit a network of operatives working throughout the country; failing that, eliminating the other networks which are interfering with your own would allow you to build your network without interference.
When first recruited, agents are face-down and inactive (sleeper agents); later in the game, they may be activated to perform some task (active agents). The unqualified term agents applies to both active and sleeper agents. Tiles in hand or the bag are merely tiles, bribes and blackmail material which can be used to recruit agents.
1 hexagonal board (61 hexes)
- 30 Agents for each player (different types)
There are several ways to lose Sleepers:
- Morale: a player is eliminated once ten of their agents are killed (the enemy spymaster flees the country).
- Capture: a player is eliminated if they are surrounded by active militia (the enemy spymaster is captured).
- Attrition: a player is eliminated if they cannot move (no more tiles AND no sleeper agents).
There are also several ways to win:
- Success: make a line of active agents joining any two opposite sides of the board (your network covers the whole country).
- Liberation: create a doomsday device by making a line of 5 active Scientists (you destroy Germany and free France).
- Elimination: eliminate all other players.
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