AREA 51: Top Secret

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
Welcome to the 1950’s USA - the era of huge cars, rock’n’roll and ... alien activity! To prevent a mass panic, the president orders his generals to store all evidences of the existence of aliens
In Area 51, a secret military base in the Nevada desert. To store all the futuristic weapons, unbelieveable tools and alien corpses, it needs high-end storage facilities, however, only capable of hiding certain artefacts and to beimproved all the time. The generals try to outperform the others in building and upgrading the facilities and the infrastrucure as well as by finding the optimal logistic in storing the artefacts to please the president.
There are four caterogies of artifacts that players will encounter (ships, weapons, tools, and bodies). They’re numbered
1-4 to show how dangerous they are (and therefore what security level is needed to store them).
Players have to built up storage facilities to store these artefacts. Artefacts cards need to be collected, but the deceisive element in the game is that once a player choses to pick up a pile of artifacts cards to store them into storage
facilities, he needs to store ALL cards possible - also if these will be points for the other players. It thus is the main strategy of the game to use the existing storage facilities and transportation vehicles to optimize one's own scoring.