Wombat Rescue

Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 4 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
Did you know wombats poop in the shape of a cube? It's true! Wombats have an excellent sense of smell, but extremely poor eyesight. Scientists believe they use their poop cubes to create smell areas that help them navigate their territory, and because wombat poop is flat on all sides, they don't have to worry about it rolling around or shifting position.
In Wombat Rescue, you play the eldest or lead wombat of a group of wombats (called a wisdom). A dastardly dingo has stormed your burrow and scared away four of your baby wombats. To save them, you must create new smell areas that will lead them home. You will create smell areas by eating and digesting food so that you can poop out another cube and expand your smell area. The first wombat to rescue all of its babies wins!