Copié Collé

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 6 Spieler
20 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
In the pocket game Copié Collé (Copy & Paste), players are young students back in school, each holding a small chalkboard (i.e., card) numbered 1-6, with any cards not held by players lying on the table.
On a turn, the active player rolls the die, then tries to identify who holds this card – copying from his neighbor in order to answer the teacher's question, to put it in thematic terms. This player can deny she's holding the right card, of course, but eventually you must turn over a card (including the one you hold, naturally). Find the wrong card, and the teacher hands you a bean as punishment; if someone tries to falsely misdirect you, she might end up holding the bean.
Teacher actions force players to swap cards or race to identify who holds what. In the end, the player stuck swallowing the fewest beans wins the game.