Datensatz vom 26.09.2017
Dice Age: The Hunt
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
30 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
In Dice Age: The Hunt, you and your men spend day and night hunting to provide for your tribe. There are six hunting grounds in total. Each tribe sends their hunter into those grounds, competing to be the most worthy hunters — the only ones allowed to hunt in that particular hunting ground. Only one thing is certain: the more hunters, the better chance of success!
Your tribe will thrive in its own unique way over the course of four generations, i.e., four rounds of gameplay. Some tribes will be known as proud warriors conquering vast lands while others will be led by barbaric yet powerful figures. There may even be tribes that accumulate wealth through trade as merchants. Whatever the means, the goal of all tribes is the same: to become the true ruler of the Dice Age! To hunt, to prosper, and to become the most powerful tribe of them all!
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