Dead Cat Aquantum Physics Game

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
10-15 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
Dead Cat is a fast paced game about Schrodinger's cat. Bet with your friends if the cat is alive or dead - but don't forget to peek!
It is family friendly, and the box is designed to be portable, so that it is light and convenient to carry around. You can comfortably play Dead Cat during a train ride or on a plane.
In Dead Cat, you try to guess how long the cat in the box is already dead while misleading your opponents.
When it's your turn you have two options: you either look into the box and change your bet, or you announce that the cat is dead.
If you decide to look into the box, you take a card from the box deck, look at it in secret...
...and put it on top of the time deck.
Now bet on how long the cat is already dead, take your betting die and change it to another side, you choose which one as long as it is not the same as before.
Here is the tricky part though: your bet should be as close to the dead cat as possible but on the other hand you don’t want to give away it’s position or the fact that you might not have seen one. For this reason, you also want to consider the dice of the other players who might have already seen a dead cat.
If you decide to announce the death of the cat the round ends but you can’t change your bet.
You start revealing cards from the top of the time deck until you find a dead cat or there are no cards left. In the first case, the player with the closest bet to the number of revealed cards wins the round, in the latter case the player with the highest number wins. In the case of a tie both player receive a point.
The winning player or players receive a scoring token to keep track of their points. Whoever scores four points first, wins.