Datensatz vom 22.10.2015
Tiny Epic Western
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
30-45 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Poker meets worker-placement
DESCRIPTION: The West is growing day by day, and you’re looking to stake your claim. To win, you have to gamble your relationships with the most powerful figures in town to win influence. This influence comes in many forms: Law, Money and Power. If you’re clever enough, you’ll be able to take claim over the buildings in the evergrowing boomtowns and gain powerful abilities. At the end of the day, the cowpoke who has the best combination of wit and bluff will become the most powerful figure in the Wild Wild West.
GAMEPLAY: The game is played in a series of rounds. Each round, poker cards are dealt between the locations, which are laid out in a circle. Players place their cowboys on these location cards, which will both give an action and count as a bid for the location's valuable resources. Players also get a poker card of their own (and more as their powers increase) which uses the two adjacent cards to form a three-card hand. This creates a clever mix of modern worker placement and poker that drives the game. In addition, players must manage their resources of Law, Money and Force, as well as track their progress becoming the best gunslinger in the game.
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