Proud Patissier

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
45-55 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
Proud Patessier is a Japanese game published in English and Japanese.
In the royal palace in France under Bourbon Dynasty, you are one of the court patissiers who bake confections, and your duty is to deliver your confections thoughout the palace. Build your deck, and make confections by winning auctions, and deliver your confections for honor. At the end of the game, the player with the highest honor wins the game.
At your turn, you select one of two cards revealed on the table, and put it into your discard pile, which will be your deck after reshuffle. Then you play one of your three cards in your hand.
When you play a confection card, it's time for an auction. The winner of the auction keeps the confection card. Others are utility cards such as earning money, raising or lowering value for a specific confection, and immediate reshuffle.
When a delivery card is revealed from the common deck, trade confections you have kept for honor. Each type of confection has some value, which determines the amount of honor earned per card. There are three delivery cards per game.