Shakespeare Carduta: Comedy Set

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 6 Spieler

15 Minuten

Frei ab 7 Jahre

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Shakespeare CARDUTA is a simple card game based on the traditional Japanese card game Hyakunin Isshu, which uses one hundred ancient Japanese short poems. "CARDUTA" is a made-up word from "card" and the Japanese word "uta", which means "songs".

The full set includes 48 word cards and 48 word-and-picture cards, with the cards containing quotations (and half-quotations) from Shakespeare's plays. For example, a word card might read "No profit grows where is no pleasure taken.", while the corresponding word-and-picture card reads only "where is no pleasure taken", with the picture giving a clue to the first half of the quote.

To play, lay out all the picture cards face-up on the table. One person draws a word card and reads the first half of it; everyone else looks for the matching picture card, with the first player to pick up the correct card claiming it. The next player then draws a word card, etc. The player who claims the most picture cards wins.

Shakespeare CARDUTA is also available in two half-game versions: a Tragedy Set and a Comedy Set, each with 24 word cards and 24 picture cards.


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