Planetary Reign

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 4 Spieler
90 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
Welcome to Planetary Reign, the strategic game of empire building, space exploration, planet colonization and resource management. Planetary Reign is a space civilization game based on classic video games of the same genre from the 1980's and 90's in which each player is the leader of a space-faring empire that is attempting to expand into and exploit the riches of a new-found galaxy. Planetary Reign provides a rich 4X experience without an overly complex rule-set and can be played within a couple of hours.
As a leader of THULE, VEYNA, METHIOS or CALDERA, you will assign your workers to a variety of actions - choosing which, when and how often they will be performed - with the ultimate goal being to dominate the galaxy and ensure the survival of your people. Your empire will build, upgrade and send its fleets into a galaxy to explore its unknown worlds. There, you will encounter planets with strange environments, hosts of alien species and a variety of resources as well as occasionally running into your opponents.
The main mechanics employed in Planetary Reign are worker placement, area control and a new specie assimilation mechanic. With nearly 5 years in development, Planetary Reign has been designed for players who enjoy medium to heavy games with low luck factors. There are multiple scoring paths and rounds - the winner being the empire with the most points at the end of the game.