Presidium (Demo)

Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 4 Spieler
30 - 60 Minuten
Frei ab 16 Jahre
The Earth has become a giant and contaminated dump, ruled by a chaos and violence without limits. One of the safest places in the planet is New Babylon City, a enormous city fortress.
The only way to maintain a rigid social order is to display the state’s violent capabilities through codes of law. That's why in New Babylon City if a citizen breaks any law (it doesn't matter what law) he will be executed in a public execution in 24 hours.With this new law, they avoid judgments, lawyers, bureaucracy and prisons. Besides making a public show of the execution impress on the watching multitude preventing future crimes.
The execution takes place inside the Presidium, and Unique Corporation has become the executioners. They transform death and suffering in Dantesque spectacle. Beheading, mutilations, hanging... every unimaginable human aberration, Unique Corporation is willing to give it to the people.
Right now what is been drawing immense audience rates is the "hell pit", a show that used a dark technology for opening Portals, trough those portals appears some hideous blood thirsty creatures. They are quick, lethal and they have an incredible destruction capacity.
Some people claim to the heavens saying that those portals are the gates of hell. But who cares where those creatures come from if the audience is unbelievable and the crime rates are descending like never before, transforming New Babylon City in of the safest city estates on Earth?
Welcome to the future...
Welcome to New Babylon City...