Minotaur Max

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
30 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Will you accept this quest?
Brave adventurers sought! Travel into the depths of the Minotaur's labyrinth to bring back rare ancient treasures. Be light-footed and use your torches carefully. Steal as much treasure as you can and find the exits to escape to the surface. If you survive you will be immortalized in the roll of bravery forever.
Each player has entered the minotaur's labyrinth to try and gather as much treasure as possible while paying close attention to the correct paths in order escape the changing labyrinth. A player's turn consists of 2 phases: the Player phase and the Minotaur phase. During the Player phase, the player can play cards to perform actions or attempt to escape by matching the labyrinth paths explored with the exit cards. Then during the Minotaur phase, the minotaur will move towards the player depending on how much noise the player made in that turn.
Some of the available actions available are:
Move : explore a new room
Search: search the current location for treasure
Use Items: to perform certain actions
The game ends when all players have either escaped or been captured. The player who escapes with the most treasure is the winner.
The base game will come with several scenarios.