Eat Me, If You Can.

Anzahl der Spieler:
4 bis 6 Spieler
15 Minuten
Frei ab 6 Jahre
Video: Essen 2014 Video: Eat Me If You Can! (iello) [englisch]
Essen 2014 Video: Eat Me If You Can! (iello) [englisch] from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Little Red Riding Hood and the family of pigs are living peacefully in the village – but one day, a hungry wolf appears who would dearly love to eat someone. Red and the pigs are in danger of being eaten! Rather than surrender to the plate, though, they decide to trap the wolf and shoo him from the village. Can they drive the wolf away – or will they all be eaten?
In Eat Me, If You Can, the wolf player tries to eat one of the other players to score points while the players, being prey, score by trapping the wolf. In each round, one player is the wolf and the other players are given Little Red Riding Hood (worth 3 points), Mother Pig (2 points), or a little piggy (1 point). Each non-wolf player then secretly chooses one of two cards in hand: Will the player sleep and rest, hoping not to be disturbed by the wolf? Or will the player set up a trap, thinking that the wolf will be coming for her? Once the players lay down their cards, the wolf chooses one of the players. If this player went to sleep, the wolf takes points from this player equal to the value of her character; if she set up a trap, on the other hand, she takes points from the wolf. Everyone else who rested this round scores points from the bank for their character — but only if they got their beauty sleep!
Whoever lost points that round becomes the wolf for the next round and hands out the character cards to players as she wishes. As soon as a player has ten or more points, the game ends and the player with the most points wins.
Video: Essen 2014 Video: Eat Me If You Can! (iello) [englisch]
Essen 2014 Video: Eat Me If You Can! (iello) [englisch] from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
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