Black Diamond of the lost Palace

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Black Diamond has many game modes, but in all players have to move their pieces on the board, searching for the gems that are first hidden. Once player moves to an unsearched tile, they turn the gem card that can contain gems, treasure chest, camp site or other objects – including Black Diamond or Potion of Illusion. Players can only take gems if they are in their color – rubies for red, emeralds for green, sapphires for blue and citrine for yellow, while diamonds can be picked by any player – if they cant take the gem, they leave it on the board. If player finds Potion of Illusion all open gem cards are turned back to hidden. When Potion of Illusion is found, all players lose their gems that are note safe in their camps.
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