Come to Fishing Village!

Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 8 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
Wir haben den Prototypen in Mallorca 2016 gespielt und berichten darüber in unserem Podcast. Das Spiel soll im Oktober 2016 erscheinen.
Discuss and decide how to save your fishing village from depopulation!
Come to Fishing Village! is a co-operative card game in which players try to revitalize their village by successfully accomplishing big projects. The game can be played solitaire.
While progressing your projects, you have to undergo a book-closing audit every year. Your village's population may increase or decrease according to the result. To make matters worth, you have to deal with land sharks who interfere your book-closings.
If your village survives 24 book-closings and still has any population, all of you win the game.
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