Frenemy Pastry Party

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 6 Spieler
15 - 30 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Are you a sweet tooth who fevers cakes and coincidentally fond of scheming game?
You must having this sweet and malevolent game that makes you feel so addicted.
In Frenemy Pastry Party, every player takes a role in different animal which have their own preferable taste of ingredients which means every animal card has different scoring conditions.
Every player will take one ingredient card from the table for their collection or choose one cake card to bake on their turn.
Choosing cake card, if you choose to bake a cake, you have to collect all the ingredients shows on the card then cost these ingredients to score for 5, if you don't have all the ingredients, you can ask for other players. But this action will also let your opponent score based on how many ingredients they gave you.
The other players can also give you wrong information about the ingredients they have in their hands in order to prevent you from scoring.
You can also collect specific ingredients according to the scoring condition you have on the animal card and each ingredient counts for 1 point.
The winner is the one who has the highest score.
Let's see how clever and how mean you are!
En Frenemy Pastry Party (Amienemigos: Fiesta Pastelera), un grupo de adorables animales están preparando pasteles juntos. Aunque parecen cooperar en su deliciosa misión, lo que realmente hacen es maquinar unos contra otros para intentar poner sus ingredientes favoritos en todos los pasteles ¿Quién horneara el mayor número de pasteles mientras que
consigue colocar su ingrediente favorito en los pasteles de los demás para así convertirse en el mejor amienemigo de la fiesta?