Guess Club

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 8 Spieler
20-30 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
The host of this renowned club receives you with a smile of welcome. Its proximity to the harbor makes it a hub for travelers around the globe, all gathering here to compete against each other.These vying travelers wear a swaggering smile on their faces, and invite you to join their game. From the sharp, bead-like eyes peeking behind the cards, you realize they do not just want to have a bit of fun, but aim at winning all your money away. However, your huge reservoir of knowledge won’t let them have their way.Who will be the smartest mind reader laughing at the end of game?
Play rock–paper–scissors to decide which players decide the categories for the 3 rounds to be played respectively. There’s no limitation on categories selectable, but the category deciding player should be able to come up with at least 10 answers. For example, a category can be Asian countries, Olympic ball sports, etc.
After understanding the decided category, write or draw your answers on the cards. You must fill each card with a different answer. Be careful that no one sees your answers. You are not allowed to use an internet search engine to find the answers. Your brain is the only resource available to you.
Players must guess the answers of others or to predict how many correct answer sets this round will have.The game ends after 3 rounds. The player having the largest sum of chips wins.