Carrier Strike

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
World War 2 aircraft carrier battles were immensely complicated affairs, with many types of aircraft, weapons, different types of carrier and multitudinous other ships. Or were they? 16 card Carrier Strike portrays the essence of carrier battles in a simple format requiring cards, dice, markers and a playing area to represent the ocean.
In Carrier Strike you will be in command of a group of 2 carriers and up to 4 squadrons of combat aircraft, represented by cards and dice. Using your skills in reconnaissance, timing and manoeuvre, you attempt to defend your own carriers while sinking your opponent's. Combat uses cards to select an 'aggression stance' that will help to determine losses and whether you can drive off enemy aircraft. The basic game uses only 16 cards, some dice and markers.