Exodus: Edge of Extinction

- Zivilisationsspiel
- Science Fiction
- Weltraumspiel
- Brettspiel
- Vielspielerspiel
- Erweiterung eines Spiels
- 4X-Spiel
- Gebiete kontrollieren
- Versteigerung
- Modulares Brett
- Gleichzeitige Aktionswahl
- Verschiedene Spielereigenschaften
- Handel
- Gebietsbewegung
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
120 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
Exodus: Edge of Extinction is the first expansion of Exodus: Proxima Centauri (revised edition).
The original Exodus: Proxima Centauri was a distinguishable entry among other 4X games of the new wave, leaving its unique mark on the gaming world. With a game play focused on high-octane conflict fueled by raging war and cutthroat politics, it also introduced players to a rich science fiction setting, with its own back story and its own secrets. Exodus: Edge of Extinction expands both the gaming and the narrative aspect of Exodus: Proxima Centauri into an even more epic space strategy empire building game.
Exodus: Edge of Extinction represents the next chapter of an immersive story in which the remnants of humanity go to war against each other over a system they believe to be Proxima Centauri. Each player leads one of six unique factions with their own histories, strengths, unique special abilities and a set of new, exclusive technologies.
Exodus: Edge of Extinction also brings larger fleets, custom action cards and completely new mechanisms like the Combat Cards, adding a whole new layer to the spectrum of strategies already available in the base game.