2GM Tactics: Italy

Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 4 Spieler
30-120 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
A base game expansion adding the Italian Army to the Axis.
The expansion includes a total of 120 cards:
- 62 units of 19 different types
- 50 Support cards
- 2 summary cards
- 4 Terrain cards
- 2 General cards
1* Headquarters
1* D10 (violett)
1* Rule booklet
1* Counter sheet (6 counters)
2* General cards Montgomery/Wavell & Auchinleck/O’Connor
2* Player-Help cards
Unit cards
6* Light Infantry (Infantry)
6* Heavy Infantry (Infantry)
3* Special Forces (Infantry)
3* Radio Link (Infantry)
3* Mounted Infantry (Infantry)
3* 47 / 32 (Artillery)
3* 75 / 18 (Artillery)
3*149 / 35 (Artillery)
2* 90 / 53 (Artillery)
3* L3 / 33(Tank)
3* L6 / 40(Tank)
3* M11 / 39 (Tank)
4* M13 / 40 (Tank)
3* Semovente 47 / 32 (Tank)
3* Semovente 75 / 18 (Tank)
4*SPA Protetto (Truck)
3* Fiat 666 (Truck)
2* Saetta (Airplane)
2*Sparviero (Airplane)
Support cards
1* General
2* Fasces (Special)
2* Entrenched (Equipment)
2* Sustained Fire (Equipment)
2* Camouflage (Equipment)
2* Damaged (Equipment)nt
2* Ammo (Equipment)
2* Loaded Weapon (Equipment)
2* Counter Attack (Equipment)
2* Bayonets (Equipment)
2* SWIFT Deployment (Equipment)
3* Promotion (Promotion)
2* Hardened (Promotion)
2* Reinforcements (Supply)
2* Anti-Tank Mine (Supply)
2* Anti-Personnel Mine (Supply)
2* Luck (Supply)
2* Surrender (Supply)
2* Missed 8Supply)
2* Sabotage (Supply)
2* Disabled (Supply)
2* Seized (Supply)
2* Allies (Supply)
2* New Orders (Supply)
2* Decoy (Supply)
Terrain Cards
2* Desert House/Ruins
2* Barricades/Dunes