
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
20 - 40 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Landschaftsteiche sind kleine Paradiese, in denen alles ruhig und friedlich ist. So scheint es zumindest... Für die Teichbewohner stellt diese poetische Kulisse einen täglichen Überlebenskampf dar, bei dem es sich um „Essen oder Gefressenwerden“ handelt! Aquarena zeigt den Spieler:innen, wie die Nahrungskette in der Nähe eines Teiches aussieht. Diese positionieren ihre Raubtiere sorgfältig um den Teich herum, damit sie ihre Lieblingsbeute fangen können. Aber Vorsicht: Auch die eigenen Raubtiere können anderen Raubtieren zum Opfer fallen.
A game takes place over 4 rounds, each of which consists of 3 successive phases: Planning, Resolution and Scoring.
- Planning phase: beginning with the starting player and then in clockwise order, players choose 1 card from their hand which they place on the edge of a Water tile of their choice, discard 1 other card from their hand and draw 2 new cards. Players continue taking turns until they have played 4 cards: the first 2 cards are placed face up and the last 2 cards are placed face down.
- Resolution phase: the starting player chooses one Water tile and reveals the face-down Predator cards that were placed on it. All cards on the tile are resolved in numerical order, from 1 to 10. When all Predator cards on the tile have been resolved, the next player in clockwise order chooses another Water tile to resolve. Continue like this until all Water tiles have been resolved.
- Scoring phase: players move their Frog meeple a number of spaces up the score track depending on how many flies and opponent preys they caught.
The game ends after the fourth round. The player with the most victory points is the winner.