1 2 3 Good Night (Sommeil)

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 6 Spieler
20 - 30 Minuten
Frei ab 6 Jahre
Animals are fascinated with the objects left behind by humans. So, they tend to pick one for themselves when they have a chance, having some great time playing with the newfound toy.
They are even known to be sleeping with it, cuddling it at night.
But soon enough, people want their stuff back. However, they don’t have much time to retrieve their properties.
As one of them, you will have to find as many pairs of animals playing with the same object before your time is up!
Place all animal tiles on the table. Everyone, except the Seeker, tries to find a pair of the same animal by turning the facedown tiles and revealing them.
The tiles with the same animal have different backgrounds, night and day, so you need to look carefully.
When the game begins, the Seeker needs to find the goodnight cards in the right order: 1, 2, 3 and good night.
At the same time, everyone needs to stop and make a pose according to their pose card in front of them before the Seeker finds all the cards. If they are late, they do not receive any point.