Sorcerer & Stones

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler

30-60 Minuten

Frei ab 8 Jahre

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"Xian" or the "godly spirit," is the final form that a human can become through the act of training and enlightenment. A Xian is practically immortal, and possesses godly powers.

During the early Qin Dynasty, many Taoists are obsessed with the idea of Xian, and study the act of Xian intensely, looking for all possible ways to increase their chance of enlightenment. Many fascinating legends are the results of such obsessions. During the game, players will travel back to the ancient kingdom, and attempt to attain enlightenment by controlling spiritual stones and "Qi," the life energy.

By studying under Taoism, players will race to see who can rise among their peers, and be the first one to become a Xian and achieve immortality.




Brettspiele News

Montag 22.01.2018

5 Videos zu Taiwan Board Game Neuheiten aus Essen 2017

Nachricht von 13:50 Uhr, Smuker, - Kommentare

Es geht weiter mit unseren letzten Essen 2017 Videos. Hier seht ihr 5 Spieleneuheiten aus Taiwan die wir bei Taiwan Board Game Design auf der Messe gedreht haben. Die nächsten Tage folgen noch... ...

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