Crash Test Bunnies


Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler

20 Minuten

Frei ab 8 Jahre

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This turbulent card game for the whole family is all about reaction and just right for every car-racing-fan! Special about this game is that everyone is playing the cards at the same time.
Who finds as quickly as possible the right cards fitting the racecourse and is the first one to reach the finish line? And who isn't attentive enough and makes a car crash?

This is how it's played: At the beginning each player gets ten cards. The fronts of the cards show in which direction you drive the car and the backs of the cards show in which direction the racecourse continues. Every player tries to find the right fronts of the cards which are fitting the racecourse shown on the stack in the middle of the table and playes the card as quickly as possible faced down. Now, every player has to find a fitting card for the new track. The game is over, when all cards are discarded. To figure out, who's the winner, the players reconstruct the race and find out who has made a car crash and who has collected the most bunny-coins.





Brettspiele News

Montag 24.02.2020

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Nachricht von 19:56 Uhr, Smuker, - Kommentare

Ablagespiele sind schon seit Generationen sehr beliebt. Der Moses Verlag nutzt dieses beliebte Genre, pfeffert es mit einer neuen Spielidee und Mechanik an und verwendet edle Bakelit Spielsteine. Wir... ...

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