Datensatz vom 21.07.2016
Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 6 Spieler
20-30 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
In this cooperative game, the players embody Titans avid to create together the ideal planet. Will you know how to dominate the nature and the elements, and worse still the anger of your father Ouranos, to realize the planet of your dreams? A cunning and intuitive game where deduction and cooperation will be the key words.
To manage to create your planet, and to bring him the life, you will have to think together, communicate subtly, trust the other players or understand of instinct.
The purpose of the game is to manage to create together a planet.
To have a finished and thus livable planet, it will be necessary to pass by various creations: rainbow, river, fish, etc, and completed by element cards : earth, air, fire, water.
A turn of game decomposes into two phases: the divination and the creation.
During the phase of divination, every player chooses in secret a card of his hand and spends his tokens energy to give information, exchange cards, etc.
Then, in the phase of creation, every player reveals his card in turn order and verifies if it can be involvement.
The game ends when all the cards were played or if the planet is completed.
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