Endarth: Covenant (Demo - Spiel erscheint 2021)

- Würfeln
- Aktionspunkte
- Gebietsbewegung
- Kooperatives Spielen
- Can't Stop Mechanismus
- Modulares Brett
- Spielereliminierung
- Worker-Movement
- Verschiedene Spielereigenschaften
- Geschichten erzählen
- Handel
- Rollenspiel
2021 (Demo 2019)
Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 4 Spieler
90 - 120 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
Endarth:Covenant is an adventures' game, set in a medieval fantasy world, inhabited by humans together with other creatures such as elves and dwarves. This tabletop game with a heavy role-playing flavour, can be played cooperative or solo, as it does not require a game director, due to its advanced AI. Players will explore the vast Endarth kingdoms, trying their best to survive and unfold the story beneath the surface... if they can, for countless dangers lurk among its ruins and deep in its woods, and no one protects Mandora's Swamp anymore, whose defending walls have retained monsters for centuries.
Endarth:Covenant's huge and decission-driven storytelling.
Players can choose among 4 different warriors to explore, fight and solve the mystery of why they have been granted a second chance at the beginning of the game.