
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
15 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
Sometimes, even imps in Hell take a break. It’s a very hot day (cause, you know, it's Hell down here) so the imps are sitting at the bar of the Last Judgment Inn.
They decide to play a game of dice to work out who is paying for the next round of Diavolo, the "drink that keeps imps really red in the face".
Every turn, the dice (3 red, 3 black, 3 white and a big grey one) are rolled.
The special “Order” (grey) die gives an instruction to the players. This allows them to decide which of the coloured “imp” pieces they should grab (as quickly as possible, of course).
Orders involve making quick sums, checking the range of results, etc.
When a player takes the wrong imp (or no imp at all), he loses one of his gems. The last player with a gem will be the winner.
There is a way to get restore your stock of gems : when taking two (or even three) imps would be possible given the instruction of the "Order" die (it happens sometimes), the players actually have to choose the grey imp. This action actually gives you a gem... unless you're wrong.