Voltage (Neuauflage)

2018 (2006)
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler
15 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
Simple 2-player card game. The board has 4 colored areas with plastic terminals on it. The terminals are 2 sided, either plus or minus. Players play color specific cards to their corresponding terminals, on either their side or their opponent's side of the board.
Players can do 1 of 3 things on their turn:
Play a card and draw a card (in that order)
Play 2 cards to 2 different colors
Draw 2 cards
When a colored terminal has a total of 5 cards played to it, that terminal is scored depending on the orientation of the terminal. If the terminal is plus side up, then the player with the highest numerical value wins the point. If the terminal is minus side up, then the player with the lowest numerical value wins the point. First player to score 4 points wins!