Pied de Nez

Anzahl der Spieler:
6 bis 10 Spieler
10 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
You are at a masked ball in 18th century France. No one knows who you really are, but in this frivolous world of manners and mockery, your friends are out to expose you. Can you work out the clues and mock them first?
In Pied de Nez (a.k.a. "thumbing your nose"), you have a hidden identity and want to figure out which of the other players are your two closest friends. Clues are revealed slowly; every time you reveal some information about yourself, you earn a drink and you need to use those drinks to be able to do a "pied de nez" at the people for whom you are searching.
Pied de Nez is an analytical game of deduction and hidden identities for 6-10 players, with the game being playable (but not ideal) with 4-5 players.
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