
Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 4 Spieler
45 - 75 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
In Pessoa sind die Spieler:innen der berühmtesten Heteronyme von Pessoa - Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis, Álvaro de Campos und Bernardo Soares - und bewegen sich zwischen dem metaphysischen Raum von Pessoas Kopf und den physischen Räumen von Lissabon, um sich von den ikonischen Cafés inspirieren zu lassen. Dazu besuchen sie Buchhandlungen, um Ihre Bibliothek und Ihr Wissen zu erweitern, und lassen sich inspirieren, Gedichte zu schreiben, und sammeln dabei Siegpunkte. Wer am Ende des Spiels die meisten Siegpunkte hat, gewinnt.
In Pessoa, you are one of Pessoa’s most famous heteronyms — Alberto Caeiro, Ricardo Reis, Álvaro de Campos, and Bernardo Soares — and move between the metaphysical space of Pessoa's head and the physical spaces of Lisbon to gain inspiration from the iconic cafés, visit bookshops to expand your library and knowledge, and seek inspiration to write poems, thereby scoring victory points. Whoever has the most victory points at the end of the game wins.
In more detail, Pessoa is a worker-placement game with special rules in which players can place their heteronyms since each player is a different heteronym, but all players are also the same physical person, that is Fernando Pessoa.
The game comes with two modules that can be switched on and off as the players wish. If you play with only the base game, Pessoa fares well as an advanced family game with straightforward rules, but interesting decisions and a more tactical nature. With the modules, Pessoa becomes a more crunchy game, in which extra layers of strategy combine to offer you a rich experience that tries to shine light on the complex figure that Fernando Pessoa was.
The game's rulebook includes historical notes to explain how theme and mechanisms are interconnected, providing you an accurate historical background about this extraordinary poet and his metaphysical creations that had their own personality and writing style: his heteronyms. We hope that at the end of your first game, we have spiked your interest to learn more about Fernando Pessoa and his poetry.