Datensatz vom 19.07.2016
Villannex 2nd Edition
Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 4 Spieler
15 Minuten
Frei ab 6 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
This game is explain Villannex 2nd Edition. Compared with 1st Edition(2014), 2nd Edition has been improved text and effects.
Basic rules.
1. Player is the village headman. All players has 6 cards as a hand.
2. They reveal 4 cards chosen from their hand.
When all players have seen the others’ cards, all players retake their 4 cards to their hand.
3. All players choose 2 of their hand cards and chooses which resource frames that will produce."
4. All players simultaneously reveal 2 cards with production cards. This is the village of player."
Game is finished. Resolve all the resources and the effects, and calculate score. The Player with the most points wins.
Expansion 1: Military power.
This extension uses a special resource "Weapon", in addition to the 4 basic resources.
Expansion 2: Economic power.
This extension uses a special resource "Coin", in addition to the 4 basic resources."
Mini Expansion: Special product.
Each player special product card has one.
Village get 1 point each time to produce the resources of special product.
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