Don't Get Eated

Anzahl der Spieler:
5 bis 9 Spieler
Frei ab 0 Jahre
Don't Get Eated is a social game of survival of the fittest. Players take on the role of animals both working together and against each other to survive in the wilds. Failure meet the challenge presented each round results in a vicious attack, until only one animal remains standing.
In Don't Get Eated, each round will call for players to simultaneously play a numerical card from their hand. Players are attempting to meet a specific challenge stated by that round (e.g. play over a certain number, play under a certain number, etc.). Every player that plays the same numbered card is considered on a team for that round, and their played value is increased by the number of people on the team. Any player or team that does not meet the challenge is wounded, and they are closer to losing the game. Players may be knocked out (or eated) by taking multiple wounds.