Meeple War

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler

30-60 Minuten

Frei ab 10 Jahre

Bestellen bei:

Before these elegant little wooden figures served faithfully in Carcassonne City and many other playful treasures, did you know that the Meeples were originally battle vehicles for the 4 kingdoms of Lilliput? Embody yourself as one of the leaders of those kingdoms and re-enact (in actual size!) those tremendous battles of history. Develop your city, claim new territories, fight for glory and destroy enemy cities : It’s Meeple War!

To win Meeple war, gain 6 victory points by fighting enemy armies, destroying enemy cities, and gaining control of areas.

Develop your city, build powerful armies, fight and destroy buildings.

In this timing and strategic game, anticipation and diplomatic skill ( or crying ^^) is victory key.





Brettspiele News

Mittwoch 28.12.2016

Essen 2016: Meeple War (Blue Cocker Games)

Nachricht von 11:00 Uhr, Smuker, - Kommentare

Wir schauen in Essen nicht nur bei den deutschen Verlagen vorbei sondern blicken auch immer wieder gerne zu unseren französischen Nachbarn. Blue Cocker Games ist ein kleiner sympathischer Verlag,... ...

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