The Queen's Collection

Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 4 Spieler
25 - 40 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Zum 30jährigen Jubiläum des Verlags erscheint dieses Kartenspiel dessen Karten Cover von erschienenen und zukünftigen Queen Games-Titeln zeigen. MAn kann es alleine, kooperativ aber auch kompetetiv spielen. Es geht darum, dass man passende Pöppel den Spielen zuordnen muss.
The Queen is a passionate boardgamer, but unfortunately the contents of her favorite games have been mixed together. Putting things in order again will be a real Herculean task for true heroes. Striving to win the favor of the Queen, you have agreed to take care of this task. But time is short, as tonight is the next royal game night. So let’s get the job done, and put the pawns back into their proper boxes.
The Queen's Collection is a limited edition product that celebrates Queen Game's immense catalog of games. The intriguing game system includes 16 cards, each depicting a Queen Game, and players must play cards from their hand to try to sort pawns onto the same colored card. The game includes a competitive, team, coop, and solo play mode.