Datensatz vom 13.06.2015
Prison Run
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
25 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Free your falsely accused friends from a closely guarded prison! Be the first to help other players escape before wardens realize what’s happening and thwart your plans. Unfortunately, not everyone can succeed, so you need to choose carefully when to help others, when to obstruct them, and when to bluff your way out. Maybe your strategy will be the most effective. It’s time to begin Prison Run!
In Prison Run, each player tries to bail his companions out of jail. The cards with the list of prisoners who are the members of the player’s gang should not be revealed to the other players. To make escape of their people possible, the players use simple actions. They can choose the prisoner who will break out from the cell or who will be move forward on the escape track. If one of the prisoners will make it to the last space, the players votes secretly if the prisoner will successfully escape or will go back to the cell. If at least one of the voters is against the escape, the prisoner returns to the jail. However, the players have to be careful and count their odds, because each player has limited amount of the objections.
The player who at the end of the game has the largest number of bailed out prisoners from their gang is the winner.
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