1918: Brother Against Brother

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler
120-180 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
918: Brother Against Brother is a two-player wargame of the Civil war in Finland during early 1918. One player takes the role of the Whites (i.e. the government troops) and other the Reds (socialist revolutionaries). In that bloody struggle future of the nation that has just declared its` independence is decided, and whether General C.G.E. Mannerheim of White forces or Comrade Kullervo Manner emerges triumphant is up to the players.
Map is point-to-point representation of the Finland from 1918 featuring both railways and roads of the time, both of which also effect the gameplay. Game is card-driven and more than 50 action cards (each with unique picture of the era) are at the heart of the game. Cards can be used either as action points or events. Events include German intervention, Swedish occupation of Åland islands, grain trains from Soviet Russia as well as drunk Red commander…
Units represent mainly company/battalion level and include both Civil Guards and Red Guards, as well as special units; armoured trains for Reds and Jaeger units and German intervention forces for Whites. Reds can either try to occupy the White capital of Vaasa (preferably before Germans appear) or to defend their area until the end of the game. Balancing with actions and events is crucial for both parties.
Game is fully bi-lingual (English and Finnish) including two decks of action cards. So if you wish to familiarize yourself to wargaming lingo in Finnish this is a perfect opportunity.