
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
30 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
Pickup season is open! All thanks to Demoralizer, a love battle where no holds are barred.
This card game by Krzysztof Miller overcomes the classic scheme of game for couples, and makes a perfect example of playing with the form and breaking stereotypes. The game can be played by 2 – 6 people, who have only one goal – to demoralize the opponents. Each player takes the role of one of the six available characters: Blondi, Gangster, XXX Actor, Vamp, Scientist, or… Grandma. Each character is described by four indicators: sex appeal, composure, cleverness, and morality. The level of these features, however, can be changed while playing the game by the action of cards, which players use during gameplay, as well as a direct result of actions taken by the opponents. To perform a successful pickup, thus depriving the other player his morality points, the level of attacking player’s sex appeal must be higher than the composure of defending player. Only adequate calculation and analysis of indicators’ levels can protect a player against demoralization.
The game is divided into players’ turns. Each player’s turn is divided into six phases: discarding, drawing, activation, playing cards, seduction, and final phase. During the playing cards phase, players play on the table their cards from hand: action, helper, item, event or skill. To do this, however, a player has to pay the cost with his cleverness points. In addition, the character cards determine how many cards of a particular type the player can handle. Seduction phase is optional. A player may, but don’t have to, try to attack any number of opponents during his turn. Futhermore, a player can attack not only with his character card, but also with helper cards, if he has got them. The same applies to defense.
When the level of player character’s morality drops to zero, that player loses and he is automatically eliminated from further play. The game continues until only one player remains and becomes the ultimate demoralizer.
Demoralizer is a game for those who in the heat of battle do not forget about strategic thinking. Thanks to unique characters’ features, playing each of them requires a slightly different approach. The differences in the attributes determine strategy - sometimes player's attacks will be more frequent, or on the contrary - he will have to raise composure level and wait for the right moment to pickup the opponent.