Walk to Jesus - Christian Motivation Family Game

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
Frei ab 5 Jahre
Walk to Jesus ™ is a simple game based on motivational and educational principles that help us experience and understand abstract concepts such as heaven and hell, punishment for the sins, traps of temptation and joy of reaching for Jesus. The game will teach us that road is harder as we come closer to the goal, but with determination, knowledge and faith we can pass any obstacle and reap the rewards – all with a lot of laughs, playfulness and self-reflection.
To win in Walk to Jesus ™ you need Divine Grace cards, which can be obtained by helping other players. Not only does this uphold one of basic Christian teachings, and has general moral value, it also adds to the depth of the game as Walk to Jesus ™ is world’s first game requiring help to other players – your competitors – in order to win. This gives game a special strategic element making it more challenging and fun to play.
Walk to Jesus ™ a classical board game with pawns and dice. Pawns move on tiles based on the die toss result (similar to Ludo game). But unlike Ludo or other games of the type, Walk to Jesus ™ has four levels of tiles and player must land their pawn on specific tile to progress to the next level. Every other tile in game has a positive or negative feature, helping or blocking your progress in game. Basic rules are really simple – even 4-year old kids can understand them – throw the die, move pawn for that many tiles and do what landing tile tells you to do.
But game can also be played on much higher level – suitable for adults and even seasoned board game fans – as complexity rises with multiple pawns in game, card effects, and diplomacy (you can make teams etc.). And our very own concept of helping opponents gives game a special twist, not yet seen in any board game before. This will place you at a dilemma – you must help them to get Divine Grace cards but still you want to win yourself – so how do you help them without helping them too much and making them win? You can also make special use of cards, or effects on them that can help your strategy.