
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler

50 Minuten

Frei ab 13 Jahre

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The year is 1252 and the great Kublai Khan has decided to build his summer palace. He has searched for the best architects who are looking to win fame and prestige — and sometimes you have to harm other architects' prestige to step forward...

Xanadú is a highly interactive card game for 2 to 5 players. Cards can be buildings with four squares of available resources that can be used by any player (including the owner of the card). To be able to retrieve and use those resources, the players assign workers, which are also cards.
 The players compete to earn the most "tong baos", the money in the game, by selling the constructions to the Khan.

Xanadú is a strategy game of building and sabotage, for casual and experienced players.




Brettspiele News

Montag 14.12.2015

Essen 2015: Xanadú (Quined Games)

Nachricht von 12:04 Uhr, Smuker, - Kommentare

Vor drei Jahren erschien das Spiel "Xanadú" in Columbien bei dem kleinen Verlag Azahar Juegos. Nun ist das Kartenspiel, welches sich um Ressourcen und das Bauen von Gebäuden dreht... ...

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