Datensatz vom 13.09.2012
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 0 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Soccer is the sport that probably has more followers in the world, so it's a great challenge for all board game designers to reproduce the emotion of the goal. Futbolmate is an innovative option in which the player develops his own winning plays, so the amusement is not lost in any play.
The soccer strategy game Futbolmate has a rectangular board in 108 green and yellow blocks; on these blocks are placed 22 round pieces in two colors to represent the two teams. The two goalkeepers move similar to the Queen in Chess – that is, as many spaces as desired in any straight direction. The other pieces can move only one diagonal space each turn. Another smaller round piece represents the ball. The objective of the game is to move all the pieces over the rectangular board to score the most goals in an established time. The game ends with a winner or a tie, similar to professional soccer.
The movement of the ball makes the difference. It does not follow a predetermined path, as its movement responds to the logic mazes of Ságaze, rules that allow the ball to bounce off the pieces and edges, with players always trying to recover the ball or score a goal. Futbolmate uses no dice, no cards, and no other random elements – only the skill of the two players.
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