Datensatz vom 12.09.2012
Action R.P.S
Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 5 Spieler
20 Minuten
Frei ab 7 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Action R.P.S is a race game on a modular track bearing rock-paper-scissors (RPS) symbols and a "VS" symbol. Each player has three discs, with each disc having two of the RPS symbols on opposite sides, i.e., rock-paper, paper-scissors, and scissors-rock.
On a player's turn, he advances one of his discs, flipping it in the process; occupied RPS spaces are jumped over when moving. When a disc lands on one of the RPS spaces, the symbol on the disc is compared to that of the space. If the disc beats the space (according to standard RPS rules), the disc advances another space, flipping once again. If the symbols are the same, the disc ends its movement on that space, and if the disc loses, it slides back one space without being flipped. On a "VS" space, the disc ends its movement if the space is vacant and advances if one of its own pieces is on the space; if the space is occupied by an opponent, though, the two players compete in an actual RPS game, with the active player moving forward if he wins and ending his turn otherwise.
Players are trying to land their discs in the final section of the track, which is worth bonus points based on how far the disc advances. Additional spaces along the track bear positive or negative points based on that game's set-up. The game ends once a disc reaches the final space on the track. Players then tally their scores, with discs on the starting spaces losing points. Whoever has the most points wins!
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