OK, Chume, Boom!

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
20 Minuten
Frei ab 3 Jahre
Video: OK, Chume, Boom! (TBD / Kang Hsuan Educational Publishing Corp) / Essen 2018
Abu, the photographer, is going to take some group photos for you.
The problem is, he always commands people to make gestures by his order. You better do what he wants or he will get impatient and mad!
OK, Chume, Boom! is a real-time dexterity game with both cooperation and competition modes. Each round player(s) must perform specific gestures following the icons on the revealed tokens. If someone fails, they won't score points and Abu will get angry little by little. Try hard to follow Abu's orders and become the best photo actor!
Video: OK, Chume, Boom! (TBD / Kang Hsuan Educational Publishing Corp) / Essen 2018
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