Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler
15 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
IRONDIE uses combinations of nine different types of dice, each available in eight different colors, which allows for endless possibilities in terms of personalized sets so that you can surprise your friends with new tactics and combinations. IRONDIE dice are beautifully crafted and can also be used with existing board games, roleplaying games, or miniatures wargames.
IRONDIE dice are made of silver-plated Zamac (an alloy with a base metal of zinc and alloying elements of aluminium, magnesium and copper; the first limited edtion was made of white metal) and covered with a colored translucent paint to highlight their metal luster. Their mass is much more substantial than any plastic or resin die resulting in a better gaming feel and experience.
IRONDIE is not a difficult game, but the difference between playing and mastering it lies in the player's experience. A champion will have well-composed sets of dice and know how best to make use of them.