IdolConclave & MillionHitChart

Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 6 Spieler
20-30 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Idol conclave
A hidden identity mischievous voting game
by Kazuhide Takaumi
3–5 players
30 minutes
mostly language neutral (some pasteups)
An idol-themed card game. Players are all a member of an idol group, but while being in the same group, wants to be voted to top idol. Each player has a set of cards with votes and scandals on and will play these onto the other members of the group. Each player also has one member they openly support.
Of the set cards each player has, one is Backstage Deal, which alows the player to play cards on a specific sheet, where each played cards will have various effects.
The player with the most votes at the end of the game wins.
Million Hit Chart
by Kazuhide Takaumi
1–6 players
20 minutes
mostly language neutral (some pasteups)
At the beginning of the game, a number of Appeal cards are lined up by each member of the idol group. These cards can, during the game, be looked at by players and can also switch places to and fro.
These appeal cards must match the requirements on the popularity sheet and come in a specific order, in order to generate a specific amount of sales. The goal of the game is to get as high sales as possible