Vampire Rader

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
This game was first published with an English title "Vampire Rader". However, the correct translation of the Japanese name ヴァンパイアレーダー is "Vampire Radar".
User Summary:
Vampire Radar is a battle between Humans against a Vampire.
A game begins with 8 or 9 human pawns on the square grid map. The Vampire is invisible, so there's no Vampire pawn, but he IS somewhere on the map.
The only clues are from radars. When a human uses a radar, the humans get to know how far the Vampire is from the radar. With the clue from the radar and guessing his moves, humans shoot their guns blindly, trying to damage the Vampire.
Before all bullets are spent or all humans are killed, if the Vampire's life
is reduced to zero, the humans win. The Vampire wins when he kills all the humans or when the humans are out of bullets.
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Brettspiele News
Videovorschau und Rezension: Vampire Rader / Vampire Radar (Japon Brand / minimalGames) - Essen 2015 Video

Auch hier liegt uns wieder ein sehr minimalistisches Spiel vor, was mit wenig Spielmaterial und wenig Regeln auskommt, aber trotzdem eine große Spielerfahrung auf den Tisch zaubert. Vampire Rader...