Office 21

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler
15 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Video: Essen 2014 Video: Office 21 (Smiling Monster Games)
Essen 2014 Video: Office 21 (Smiling Monster Games) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
In Office 21, players takes the role of CEO and try to maximise the profits without going over the governmental set limit of the (21K). Player has to play different characters and their special abilities to win the game.
Players start with three character cards each in their hands. On a player's turn, they draw back to 3 cards and must play 1 card from their hand without going over the limit after activating the power of the characters. If the player can't play a card (will go over 21), she is out of the game.
When a player reach 21, all other players have 1 more turn to stop her, if the profit still reamins at 21, the player wins the game. If there is no more cards in the draw deck, the player with the highest profit total in their play zone without going over wins the game.
There is also a chance that the player with the lowest profit will win the game. The game plays around 15 mins.
Video: Essen 2014 Video: Office 21 (Smiling Monster Games)
Essen 2014 Video: Office 21 (Smiling Monster Games) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
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Essen 2014 Video: Office 21 (Smiling Monster Games)

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